Before I go into what's on my needles and such, I wanted to share with you a story that happened over the holidays. Well His Tallest knew that a swift was all I wanted for my Holiday gift and he didn't want to pay a lot of money for something that he could make and make it better (darn engineer.) He looked over plans on the net and all different types of swifts and then drove me bat shit with questions and mostly the same questions over and over (because he didn't "like" my answers!) Anyway on Christmas Eve he took mini-me with him to do some last minute shopping ( I had took mini-me to the yarn store about a month ago to show her where it was and what I wanted). I found out later this meant he decided not to make the swift after hours of droving me crazy not letting me get anything that I need to do done, and they were on a mission to get me a swift. Well mini-me couldn't remember where the yarn store was and they didn't want to ask me nor look on my blog or do a search on google -- that would be way too easy! Poor His Tallest and Mini-me ended up in Michael's of all places and the only knitter in the store had left an 1/2 hr before they had gotten there! So no-one in the store could tell them what a swift was nor where to buy one. I have taken both of them to the yarn store (three bags full) who sell the wooden swift I want, yet neither of them could remember where it was let alone the name. They did remember Michael's because I tend to get kitchen cotton there as well as beads and accessories. Sigh, so a long sorry short I didn't get my swift and I will be either purchasing it online myself or heading down to Three Bags Full hoping that they have one when I get there. Now if it would only stop raining and snowing for one day so I can get my butt there. His Tallest did redeem himself slightly though, he got me this. I love this book because there are so many tasty recipes that I can make and eat! Being allergic to lactose can cut out a lot of foods and sometimes you just don't want to take the chance substituting soy cheese or such. Yummy, yummy recipes and great info on what to stock in your pantry. Vegan, vegetarian or the occasional meat eater alike will love this cookbook. I've made a few recipes in here and I made a person who hates vegan food love the scalloped potatoes! Yay me and His Tallest for a great holiday gift even if it's not a swift. Meh.
So I have started my Loop Ewe Swap pal's socks! I'm knitting the Master Sky Pattern from Cat Bordhi's New Pathways book; however I might frog them and knit some pretty ankle socks because my partner's feet are much, much bigger than mine and I think I might be over my head in the knitting large socks department because I get so bored easily knitting for my feet which aren't that big! I've also on the foot of my Maizy plain stockinette socks and man is it boring! The colour is pretty though. Pictures to come really! Oh that lovely garterlac dishcloth, frogged! I love the pattern, it's easy yet you have to pay attention, well at least I do because I seem to drop a stitch and it's so hard to fix! I'll try again when I have a big cup of coffee in front of me and I'm not so tired. (PS I finished mini-me's back-to-school U-neck vest I'll post about it sometime this week or next)
Due to suffering from a mild case of Startistis, I also cast on for the Koolhaas hat (by Brooklyn Tweed) from Interweaves Holiday Gifts 2007 edition
Silly me, I signed up for the Secret of the Stole ii and this time I'm going to make it. I've started my swatch in SWTC Infinity using KP Harmony 32" 2.50 mm (us 1 1/2) and it's going well I have had to frog it a few times though. I need to remember it's just a swatch as well as once I'm knitting the real thing I'll be using life lines! Come join in on the fun, sign ups are till January 17th.
Another swap I joined it the Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap and sign up are closing...what tomorrow hurry fast people before you miss out the fun. Oh course I got sorted into my proper house, can you guess?? That's all I'm going to say considering we have secret character blogs and I don't want to give any more away! More swap news, The "Defeat the Winter Doldrums" Dishcloth Swap opens for sign ups tomorrow, and the questionnaire is up for you to fill out and post to be all ready for tomorrow!
I have Harmony needles and Barbara Walker's Treasury - the complete collection - being shipping to me sometime soon! I'm excited I've been trying to find the Barbara Walker Treasury books for ages now in used books stores and decided after all that I want them new to avoid old dust (yep allergens yuck!) and such, so I splurged by ordering them from Schoolhouse Press. I had ordered some Harmony circs to knit socks with and to try out the circs and I'm in love, so I ended up ordering the set for myself. I will still use the nickel-plated ones, but for things like silk, bamboo and such the wood circs are a dream! Hey Monica you can get a set or a few in the UK, check it out.
Well I'm going to go work on that questionnaire and do some more knitting. I'm still working on the extra secret surprise and I hope that it goes smoothly... Happy Knitting everyone!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A mild case of Startistis
Posted by
1/10/2008 12:04:00 p.m.
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