So it being the first day of 2007, I thought I'd look forward to 2008 by setting some New Year knitting resolutions. Here we go
- Cut down my stash by using stash yarn and I'm only aloud to by new yarn if I finish a project with stash yarn and only buy half or less of what I used from my stash. I may look into this further and decide rules etc..
- Knit a more complicated lace project
- Finish a pair of toe up socks!
- Get out to more meetups
- All the yarn in my stash that is already reserved for things like my yarn for the Simple Knitted Bodice (tilli tomas pure & simple and rockstar in olive) must be knitted into this year into the chosen project instead of sitting in the stash.
- Knit more socks for me!!
- Finish all projects on the needles
I'm sure I can think of more, but this is more than enough for the new year for me.
What do I have my needles. Well I'm finishing up on my daughter's Back-to-School U-neck vest from Fitted Knits, I started a plain vanilla sock with some beautiful CP Maizy in Sailor Blue, I still working on the first sock on my upteenth pair of monkeys in CP panda cotton and I have to finish up on my second Sheldon the turtle. So much to do and so little time.
I know I haven't been posting much but I've been working on a secret project that involves knitting sorta. You'll see once I'm all done ;-)